Ultrafragola speil design Ettore Sottsass

speil – lampe

modell: Ultrafragola
designer: Ettore Sottsass
produsent: Poltronova
periode: 1970
produksjonsår: Nyprodusert
Land: Italia
bredde: cm. 100
dybde: cm. 13
høyde: cm. 195

Speil med neonlys. Speil med lys. Ramme i vakuumformet opalin akryl, rosa NOEN lysstoffrør eller LED system.

Tilpasset produkt – Bestillingsvare

Leveringstid 4-6 uker.

Utstilt i Oslo i motebutikken Moniker, Valkyriegata 3.

Levering i Oslo-område er spesifisert i handelskurven; til øvrige destinasjoner i Norge og utlandet ta gjerne kontakt via email.

Opprinnelig pris var: kr110,000.00.Nåværende pris er: kr97,000.00.

Produktnummer: 800059 Kategorier: , , , Stikkord:


The Ultrafragola mirror/lamp, with its sinuous profile that suggests long wavy hair, belongs to the Mobili Grigi series of complete bedroom and living room furnishings designed by Ettore Sottsass for Poltronova and presented at the third edition of Eurodomus in 1970. With the exception of Ultrafragola, the models never got beyond the prototype phase.
As for the lights that emerge from the ‘gray furniture,’ don’t tombs always have flickering lights that brighten the sadness of spirits wandering through the valley of dust? Don’t submarines have trembling green lights in their holds? The lights are designed to come out of the fiberglass body, like the splendid whiteness of the skin of breasts, the glowing red of the head of a penis in the pornographic night, something of that sort – I mean something like Japanese fireflies, which transform May nights into solid matter. Could anything be more ridiculous?
(Ettore Sottsass, “Could anything be more ridiculous?, in “Design”, London, 262, October, 1970)













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