Hadeland Arkivlampe 4180


Archive lamp 4180 is also called the Viking lamp because it was designed for Hotel Viking in 1951 by Arnulf Bjørshol. The hotel was the largest in the North when it opened in the center of Oslo for the 1952 Olympics (Dagsavisen).

The production techniques are the same ones used 80 years ago. All the molds for these lamps are made of wood turned by Hadeland Glassverk’s own carpenter-moldmaker, To prevent them from burning up during the glass-blowing process, the molds are soaked in water for many weeks before use, and they are moistened after every time a lamp is blown. Four glassblowers work on each lamp. After they are blown, the lamps need to cool down, a process that can take from four or five hours up to many days. Then they are ground down in two stages, and the edges are polished according to the designers’ sketches.


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Additional information

Weight 4.5 kg
Dimensions 50 × 40 × 42 cm


hvit, hvit matt, røkgrå, oliven, stålblå


sortlakkert, børstet stål, børstet messing

Manufacturer / Produsent

Hadeland Glassverk. Norway

Period/ periode


Diameter cm.

Height cm.

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